Mark Awaiting Labor Board Endorsement Decision

On April 14th, state representative candidate for the 41st District, Mark Greene, gave a strong presentation to the Washington State Labor Council, as he told them he would work hard for labor interests if elected.  Mark was interviewed for about 30 minutes as he answered the various questions concerning labor. Mark vigorously supported the unemployment insurance system and the workers' rights to these benefits when needed, among his answers to other questions from the interviewing group. He also said that among the fixes needed for the economy was getting rid of the trade globalization pacts (such as WTO and NAFTA).  The council will be making their decision sometime next month.

Please, contribute to Mark's simultaneous State Representative (2010 - 41st District) and Secretary of State (2012) campaigns. For "Secretary" campaign, click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate. For Representative campaign, send check or money order to P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you!

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