The Names of "Commons"

Today, The Party of Commons (Party of Commons TM), whose motto is progress, tradition and ecology, added a new trademarked name for our party, "Good Orthodox Party of Commons" or "G.O.P.C." or "G.O.P.C.-Commons."  We also go by the names of "Commons" or "Commons Party," the latter is also trademarked.  Part of this was to get around the awkward listing of the party name on the ballot with the word "party" listed twice.  This is imposed by election officials that insist that "Party" follows whatever party a candidate represents (prefers) on his papers.  Therefore, whether we list "Party of Commons" or one of our other names will depend on whether the election officials change the rules about listing a party name, or perhaps depend on whatever name we happen to be using at the time.

Please, contribute to Mark's simultaneous State Representative (2010 - 41st District) and Secretary of State (2012) campaigns. For "Secretary" campaign, click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate. For Representative campaign, send check or money order to P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you!

The Party of Commons does not sponsor or produce advertising.

Copyright 2008 - 2010, Party of Commons TM, Good Orthodox Party of Commons TM & Commons Party TM


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