Austria and Possibly Washington

Update (May 14, 2012):  The country of Austria is at least one country in the world that allows the vote for citizens as young as 16 years of age.  Hopefully, the State of Washington will follow and lead the way for America to get high school students more interested in civics and politics.

The word is starting to spread that Mark Greene, candidate for Director of Elections, supports the vote for 16 & 17 year olds, an age group which is increasingly taking on adult responsibilities such as driving automobiles and working for private employers.  Giving this age group the right to vote would increase interest in politics and civics generally in high school, thereby sparking a life-long interest that would increase participation in our national and state democracies over the long run.  This is as young as the right to vote should ever go, but we as a nation should get to that point as quickly as possible.  In a nation which has the gall to send 18 year olds to war, that group should at least have had an opportunity to have decided which politicians decide on issues of war and peace.  So teenagers, if you are reading this, please, request to your parents that they vote for me for Director of Elections, or yourself vote for me if you are either 18 or 19, which is a position that cannot directly implement a new voting age law, but at least would be in a prominent position to advocate for such a law to our legislators in Olympia and our representatives in Congress.  Thank you.

- by Mark Greene  (please, read the next to last post about the Elections Dept. not mailing out thousands of ballots to Eastside voters on time).


If possible, please, consider contributing to campaign (see disclaimer below before donating): click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate, or send check or money order to Mark Greene for Director of Elections Comm., P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Also, Mark is depending on supporters to spread the word about the campaign to get around the media bias regarding non-establishment campaigns. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Dean Logan is an ex-director of King County Elections and the predecessor to the present incumbent (both appointed by ex-executive Ron Sims).

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