Mark Greene vrs. Dean Logan, et al.
The King County election for Director of Elections in 2011 is basically an election between two distinct ideas and philosophies:
Independent, non-partisan leadership [Greene] versus largely partisan endorsed, establishment oriented bureaucracy [Logan-Huff].
Transparency and openness in elections & vote tabulation [Greene] versus "Diebold"/Premier buying (under Huff), corporate patent-protecting (as opposed to open source software inspection) incumbency [Logan-Huff].
Community involvement and cohesion oriented ideas [Greene] versus impersonal election time apparatus (election voting stations all but completely vanished & politicians in the county filing for office on-line) [Logan-Huff].
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If possible, please, consider contributing to campaign (see disclaimer below before donating): click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate, or send check or money order to Mark Greene for Director of Elections Comm., P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you!
Disclaimer: Dean Logan is an ex-director of King County Elections and the predecessor to the present incumbent.
Copyright 2008 - 2011, Party of Commons TM, Good Orthodox Party of Commons TM, Democracy/Commons TM & Commons Party TM
Independent, non-partisan leadership [Greene] versus largely partisan endorsed, establishment oriented bureaucracy [Logan-Huff].
Transparency and openness in elections & vote tabulation [Greene] versus "Diebold"/Premier buying (under Huff), corporate patent-protecting (as opposed to open source software inspection) incumbency [Logan-Huff].
Community involvement and cohesion oriented ideas [Greene] versus impersonal election time apparatus (election voting stations all but completely vanished & politicians in the county filing for office on-line) [Logan-Huff].
Commons on Twitter:
Commons' Politico blog:
If possible, please, consider contributing to campaign (see disclaimer below before donating): click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate, or send check or money order to Mark Greene for Director of Elections Comm., P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you!
Disclaimer: Dean Logan is an ex-director of King County Elections and the predecessor to the present incumbent.
Copyright 2008 - 2011, Party of Commons TM, Good Orthodox Party of Commons TM, Democracy/Commons TM & Commons Party TM