Seattle Forum

Director of Elections candidate Mark Greene showed up at a candidate forum for county and school board candidates in downtown Seattle, yesterday, and gave a presentation about what should be the three main goals of an elections department: registration correctness, vote tabulation correctness and security of ballots. The crowd gave a good applause after Mark's speech. No representative from the Huff campaign spoke or was there as far as could be ascertained by this writer. Mark campaigned in his eastside King Co. stronghold not long after the forum was over.

If possible, please, consider contributing to campaign (see disclaimer below before donating): click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate, or send check or money order to Mark Greene for Director of Elections Comm., P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Also, Mark is depending on supporters to spread the word about the campaign to get around the media bias regarding non-establishment campaigns. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Dean Logan is an ex-director of King County Elections and the predecessor to the present incumbent.

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