"Commons" May Become More Wary of Endorsing

As a small political party which does not have anywhere near sufficient numbers to field candidates for every major political position even in one state, the Party of Commons has resorted to endorsing non-"Commons" political candidates to make it known whom we would prefer, among the eligible candidates, to be in office. Our non-"Commons" endorsements are really just a choice between what's available, not necessarily a strong affirmation of a particular candidate.

Many candidates whom we endorsed in the past, Barack Obama for example, we would vote out at the first opportunity if someone better came along. As for Obama (whom we seriously considered only for the general election), it was really between him and John McCain, which meant, opposite McCain, a candidate would have had to have been completely off-the-wall not to favor him or her. Even under those stark choices, we said vote for Ralph Nader or one of the minor party candidates in the all-but-decided states. The ten months of Obama's presidency has showed that our lack of enthusiasm for either candidate was prophetic. Has Obama even withdrawed the troops from Iraq? Has his administration proven to be a shill for "Wall Street?" The questions are obviously rhetorical.

Still, "Commons" endorses candidates that we really don't care for, because politics is often either/or, and some candidate is going to take whatever office. One of the main reasons that the Party of Commons came about was to make politics in America less either/or (under the present 2-party dynamic) and to have more viable choices of parties available for the voters, but when one of the stronger candidates for a position like president is beyond the pale, to put it nicely, it becomes too risky to turn away from pragmatism and split the field.

So until we grow bigger, and we hope that will become a reality, "Commons" will continue to endorse candidates not in our party, but probably more sparingly than in the past. We are wary of having our identity and philosophy misjudged by the often pragmatic endorsements that we make. We don't want to become identified by the non-"Commons" candidates we endorse. Though, it's quite tricky being both idealistic and pragmatic at the same time.

Party of Commons Website: http://partyofcommons.com (can also be seen by clicking on the title link, above)

The Party of Commons does not sponsor or produce advertising.

Copyright 2008 - 2009, Party of Commons TM


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