Policy Differences Between "Commons" and Reed

(This essay shows a major revision in the first paragraph on 11-21-09.)

Mark Greene, the Party of Commons's candidate for Washington Secretary of State in 2012, differs with the current Secretary, Sam Reed, on the policy of turning over petition names to the public. Reed wants the public to have access to petition signers and the information they put on petitions. Mark, however, believes that petitions should be private information between signers, petitioners and the government. "Commons" would go along with a redacted electronic format only upon request from any registered voter and shown only at a government site, as long as signatures, surnames and addresses were not shown. This would at least be verification of the number of people who signed the petition. Reed's make-everything-available position lessens privacy rights and would make people less inclined to sign petitions, making the varied petition processes even more difficult than what they already are.

We will discuss this issue in more detail in the months and years to come. Mark also disagrees with Reed about mandating that ballots must be into the various county election offices by Election Day; in other words, going by Reed's position, there would be virtually no voting on Election Day in the new, all-mail-in system. If Reed's position becomes law, "Election Day" would essentially be meaningless.

Join the Party of Commons's new youth movement as we are recruiting candidates for the Legislature as young as 18 to 21 years old (though not exclusively). Time for the Legislature to more accurately reflect the demographic of its population. "Commons" also wants to lower the voting age to 16!

[revised on 11/21/09]

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