Big Business and Tax Shelters

While the Washington state government practically goes broke, big business in this state is keeping a lot of well needed taxable funds hidden through tax shelters, such as forming business entities in other states as a way to avoid taxes here. Legislators in Washington willingly allow this to happen, although they could block some of these practices, because they are in the hip pocket of big business. The State of Washington could also get its fair share of individual multi-million dollar capital gains that are derived from doing business here. Capital gains have been taxed less on a percentage basis than taxes on average workers in America. Instead legislators would rather add more and higher fees for state services and drive up college tuition for state colleges. State expenditures, after all, are for the commons (everyone who lives in Washington): roads, transit, security, colleges, environmental and forestry programs, health and welfare services, and the general functioning of state government.

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