Blog News XXXIII

See latest blog update, below (posted 5/19/10).

Hello to faithful readers and supporters of the Party of Commons.  As Mark's campaign for state representative is turning into a crucial phase, as he must get the word out about the campaign in the district, get contributions to ensure a healthy campaign, and get on the ballot, the Party of Commons is allocating more of our time to these efforts than to blogging, but keep checking since we may be back to our usual blogging pace in a matter of time.  In the meantime, we are using Twitter more than we used to, and we will try to post something daily on Twitter as well as keep our supporters up-to-date with our blogs through that source.

More people everyday in the 41st District are learning about the Party of Commons and becoming quite interested in our little party since frustration with the two corporate major parties is at an all-time high.  If ever there was a year for a third party to be successful in elections, this is it.  Fortunately, Pam Roach and her colleagues on the state senate committee that deals with elections were not successful in trying to make candidates of minor parties jump through more hurdles in order to get their names and their parties on the ballot.  The major parties cannot stand minor parties participating in "their" electoral system despite their professed allegiance to the idea of democracy, however, because of their nominal cross-alliances, they were unable to agree on how to keep minor parties and our candidates off the ballot.  Thanks to the huge public support in Washington for the "Top 2" primary which was voted in by a People's initiative, Roach and her partners could not redefine "Top 2" to their wishes.  Our democracy goes on.

[revised on 5/19/10]

Update: New post on "Progressive" blog: "Not Courting the CMNM Anymore":

Commons on Twitter:

Please, contribute to Mark's simultaneous State Representative (2010 - 41st District) and Secretary of State (2012) campaigns. For "Secretary" campaign, click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate. For Representative campaign, send check or money order to P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you!

The Party of Commons does not sponsor or produce advertising.

Copyright 2008 - 2010, Party of Commons TM


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