Candidate Fees & Petition Requirements

High filing fees or petition requirements for candidates running for office are something that people who really believe in democracy should be concerned about, because excessive filing fees and signature requirements put certain offices out of reach for many citizens, and leaves the government the exclusive property of corporatists and their lobbyists, and the rich in general. In a democracy, or a republic if you will, every citizen should have a plausible opportunity to run for office, and the opportunity to run for office should not be put out of reach by the rich and elitists in government, or the establishment if you will, that are making rules that have the effect of forbidding low-income, unemployed and poor people to run for office. This is why Mark is sponsoring Initiative to the People 1075 this year and sponsored Initiative to the Legislature 432 last year. Moreover, there should be public financing of county, state and federal campaigns, and local jurisdictions with fairly large populations.

For years since the First Congress, Americans have managed to slowly break down elitist rules that have kept them from being a part of the government and thus brought about a broader and truer democracy. Now, however, with the aid of a shady federal Supreme Court and their "Citizens United" ruling, among others, the elitists and the rich, and their friends in Congress (and they have many in that corrupt body), are setting aside or outright abolishing democracy-strengthening rules, programs and agencies, some of which have been with our nation for decades or scores, to better establish their New Gilded Age. Trying to keep poor, low-income and lower middle-class people out of government is yet another extension of neo-fascism in American government and society.

[revised on 7/9/10]

Update:  Initiative 1075 did not get enough signatures to qualify for the ballot by the early July, 2010 time limit.

Please, contribute to Mark's simultaneous write-in State Representative (2010 - 41st District) and Lieutenant Governor (2012) campaigns. For "Lt. Governor" campaign, click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate. For Representative campaign, send check or money order to P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Thank you!

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