Blog News LII

New posts on our various blogs:


Northern Pacific Report:


Mark's Campaign Website:

Commons on Twitter:

Post-script added on 7/13/11 (originally published on Northern Pacific Report):

Not that many voters are aware of it, due to the negligence of a partisan, ideologically controlled news media, but there is an election for King County Director of Elections in November, 2011. The news blockade about the position that runs the elections department is just another piece of the puzzle about a media that is more concerned about controlling events than merely reporting the story. Objective journalism in the United States has become the purview of a handful of newspapers, blogs, radio stations and others, but being a part of the establishment-run apparatus that works primarily for the benefit of big business is the main status of the overwhelming number of so-called journalistic outfits, and that includes a good number of the quasi-alternative papers and slick news oriented internet sites & blogs. It's no accident that media organizations that downplay certain political campaigns also usually endorse the opponents of these campaigns. This is the FOX-ification of the broader sphere of journalism in the nation, today, and although this is really nothing new (objectivity and fair practices in journalism were just as rare 100 and 200 years ago as they are today), there still needs to be a reminder to the public every now and then that the big media outfits have deep biases and business-driven motives to distort, ignore or disproportionately promote stories.

If possible, please, consider contributing to campaign (see disclaimer below before donating): click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate, or send check or money order to Mark Greene for Director of Elections Comm., P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Also, Mark is depending on supporters to spread the word about the campaign to get around the media bias regarding non-establishment campaigns. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Dean Logan is an ex-director of King County Elections and the predecessor to the present incumbent (both appointed by ex-executive Ron Sims).

Copyright 2008 - 2011, Party of Commons TM, Good Orthodox Party of Commons TM, Democracy/Commons TM & Commons Party TM

Note: Juxtaposition of phrases on search engines may be misleading.


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