They Call This Journalism?

Update: there will be a new post in Election Administration News (Politico) about a small blunder by me.

Well, this is the excuse for the urgent announcement we at Commoner would make to interrupt leaving the previous post up for a month. I won't dignify them by referring to their moniker, but part of the sycophantic media in Seattle made some outlandish, intentional distortions about me. For one thing, my attempt to show that there is real fraud in elections was mocked, but I never said there was more than one election involving myself that was fraudulent, although of course they had to use a plural word to try to paint me as whatever caricature they chose to make. They also mocked the F.B.I. involvement in the Lord v. Greene primary of 2004. Did they actually try to check if the F.B.I. took an interest in this case? Probably not. Did they ask me if I had any letters or documents from the F.B.I.? Of course not, after all, I'm not talking about real journalists, here, but I do have a letter from the F.B.I. regarding this case. Did they do any serious checking of any nature about my allegations regarding the '04 primary? It's very doubtful. It's just par for the course for their partisan mission to get elected whoever they want to be elected. At least, the Times has the dignity to stay aloof from the Director of Elections campaigns this year, which is at least better than lies.

- by Mark Greene

If possible, please, consider contributing to campaign (see disclaimer below before donating): click on the title link above and make selections of how you want to donate, or send check or money order to Mark Greene for Director of Elections Comm., P.O. Box 612, Bellevue, WA 98009. Also, Mark is depending on supporters to spread the word about the campaign to get around the media bias regarding non-establishment campaigns. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Dean Logan is an ex-director of King County Elections and the predecessor to the present incumbent (both appointed by ex-executive Ron Sims).

Copyright 2008 - 2011, Party of Commons TM, Good Orthodox Party of Commons TM, Democracy/Commons TM & Commons Party TM


Sunshine said…
Thank you for this blog entry "They Call This Journalism?". I enjoyed reading it and am glad that you did "speak out" concerning the case and the letter from the F.B.I. I am sorry to hear that Seattle reporters did not cover you in a fair and balanced manner. At any rate, I am voting for you for being professional and transparent. Thank you and I wish you success.
Thanks, Sunshine,

You are among the intelligent ones that investigates candidates and issues for yourself rather than solely relying on what the media says or doesn't say, which is particularly important when there is a certain amount of "yellow journalism" out there, such as what this essay relates to, that too many people just soak in.

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