Publication of Chairman's Biography
The publishing of Mark Greene's biography has started today on a Yahoo site - . The name of the biography is "Red Wings," in relation to the close proximity of Mark's childhood home in Detroit to Olympia Stadium, where the Detroit Red Wings hockey team once played. This neighborhood, a little out of the way from the tourist areas since this is not downtown Detroit, nor the cultural center where Wayne State University and the Institute of Arts is, but it was a kind of an international gathering place, since many Canadians crossed the Detroit river from Windsor, Ontario to see the Red Wings. Red Wings became an insight into how Mark viewed the world, in relation to the physicality and competitiveness of hockey, international neighbors, great athletes and famous people who really inspire people such as the Red Wings' Gordie Howe, and how hockey, generally, relates to politics and life. You can see "Red Wings" by clicking on the title link above. The "Red Wings" blog will be updated weekly, usually on the weekends. Mark Greene is the chairman of the Party of Commons and a candidate for senator in Washington for the 2010 election.
[This essay was revised on 1/4/09.]
Copyright 2008 -2009, Party of Commons TM
[This essay was revised on 1/4/09.]
Copyright 2008 -2009, Party of Commons TM