Lost In 2016 Style Translation

Maddow-lation: Translating through Propaganda
(But We're Not All Immigrants)

Rachel Maddow (MSNBC-TV) actually had the temerity to say that we (meaning Americans) are all immigrants; I think she qualified that, a little, with the word "basically," but even with that qualifier, that's not really right. 

No, we're not all immigrants, not even Maddow, I think.  Anybody born on American soil, or to an American citizen parent, is not an immigrant, of course.  But even with her "basically" qualifier, millions of Americans don't have the slightest or much connection to immigration, and of course Native Americans, such as myself, partly from the Cherokee nation, being from this land originally, would be the first to give the rejoinder to Maddow's questionable statement.  Additionally, black people with ancestors from early America, including me as well, are not really from immigration, as immigration and slave ships going across the Atlantic are distinctly different, with the exception, including myself, again, that the majority of long-generational black people in America have some European heritage.

[Revised on 9/5/16.]


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